Back in May of this year, OT creative SPACE launched the Online Lockdown Exhibition, asking residents of Old Trafford to submit artwork created during lockdown. There were three categories – Artists, Community and Under 16’s, with judges selecting Winners, Runners Up and Highly Commended for each category.
It’s been many a year since I last entered an exhibition, but I figured I’d give it a go. I submitted a couple of recent photographs, taken early in lockdown.
Follow the Path, featured above, was taken in the wildflower meadow of Hullard Park. The pathway is one of a number that crisscross the meadow. I’ve long been interested in paths like this, the marks that people make across a landscape over time. A couple of months later, the meadow was a riot of flowers and tall grass, completely changing the environment.
Stone Line, below, was taken in Centenary Gardens, next to Seymour Park. Having spent a great deal of time in the garden, I noticed that there was a small gap in the branches of one of the trees. I figured I’d try and see how many stones I could place within the gap, balanced one atop the other. Turning the resulting photograph sideways, I like the way they resemble a row of teeth. However, they proved to be a temporary installation, having all fallen down by the next day.

In September, the results were announced and I was pleased to discover that Follow the Path had received a Highly Commended award.
The plan now is for a physical exhibition to take place at OT creative SPACE of selected works. I’ve dropped off prints of both of the photographs, with the exhibition set to run from 24th October to 1st November, 10am-4pm.
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